Saturate the World. One Story at a Time.
Images wield the power to dictate how we respond to the world, people around us, and ourselves. When we look at an image, we bring our lifetime of experience and knowledge just to process it. If we find that the images we see seldom align with or represent our lived experience, then we may disconnect and feel excluded or invisible. This is how Black women often feel. I would know because I am one.
Black women in photography have waited for their seat at the table for a long time, but we are waiting no more. We are making our own tables and bringing our own seats as a means of reclamation born out of scarcity and the widespread notion of exclusion within the industry. This begs the question that if the dominant culture of cultivated whiteness were flipped on its head, would Black women photographers be in the position we are in today?
The glaring lack of visibility and representation for Black women in photography stems from a greater source than the medium itself; whiteness. Whiteness has dictated whose images are important and what subjects deserve to be seen. It’s time that the industry makes space for the critical thought and action that Black women contribute.
Our Mission
Saturate Studio looks to maintain the long-standing work that has been and continues to be done by creative visionaries of color by balancing the scales. We exist to build and cultivate a community centered on Black womanhood within photography and to challenge the status quo with every conversation exchanged and image shared. We are daring to reclaim space and democratize visibility for Black women photographers.
About the Founder
Rachel Cassandra Gibbons is a photographer, photo editor, and artist. She received her BFA in Photography and minor in Communication Design at Parsons School of Design in New York City in 2017. She continues to live and work in the city and is largely moved by social issues that affect her, her peers, and her larger community. Her work reflects this notion in a multitude of ways through photographs, film, and installations.